UV inks
INKTRONIC CLEAR DE 40689 UV is an extremely flexible, bluish dielectric UV varnish.
Inktronic Dielectric White U45172 is a highly flexible dielectric UV white based on barium titanate (BaTiO3). It can be used as a protective and insulating layer, on or between layers of conductive inks (crossover bridge for example), in the manufacture of membrane switches and flexible circuits. Its whiteness is useful in light-emitting systems. Hot-stretchable, this dielectric white is thermoformable and […]
UV screen-printing ink. The Labelgloss ink series is formulated to adhere to most of the media used in the different areas of labels, in cosmetics, care products, wines and spirits or in technical labels.
UV screen-printing ink. The Multimate ink series is suitable for Visual Communication, POS…
UV screen printing ink. The Multiplak series is suitable for visual communication, POS…
UV screen-printing ink. The Multiplus ink series is suitable for graphic and visual communication applications.
UV screen printing ink. The ODP ink series is suitable for printing all optical discs.
UV screen printing ink. Polyflex ink series is used in various industrial applications, such as cards, illuminated signs, beverage dispensers, front panels, automotive parts, etc…
UV screen printing ink. The Polyglass series is a UV high gloss two component ink for printing on glass and ceramics.